Enter your business phone # and search phrase (e.g. “Auto Repair”) to see how you rank on Google Search
Number of businesses who really know the opportunies around their location.
Business with more than 1.5% of existing active customers in a given neighborhood but still rank worse than 3rd have the best ROI when boosting their marketing in that neighborhood.
Check the population density in your location, the higher the value the less miles a person is willing to drive to your business.
01 Measure and Manage Your Success with Localized Info
02 Local Google Ranking, Your PoS, and Demographic Data combined put you in the driver's seat.
03 Make Decisions where to target your Marketing $$$
Lots of SEO tools provide local Google search ranking information for local businesses. Typically, that information is provided as grid information that is purely based on distance between grid points around a local business. Local businesses don't provide services based on a grid of population. Local businesses provide their services based on local demographics.
In order to create the best and most detailed analysis possible, BizMapIQ combines neighborhood demographic information with existing customer information of a specific local business with the Google local search ranking in the specific neighborhood. To obtain customer data to be mapped to neighborhoods, addresses, and vehicle repair history information are aggregated per neighborhood from Point of Sale tools used by the local businesses.
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